What is Mania?
00:11:08 Seek to this show note.
What is Mania?

“A manic episode is characterized by a sustained period of abnormally elevated or irritable mood, intense energy, racing thoughts, and other extreme and exaggerated behaviors.”

Cyberbullying Legislation: State-by-State
00:12:13 Seek to this show note.
Cyberbullying Legislation: State-by-State

NCSL definition: “Cyberbullying is the willful and repeated use of cell phones, computers, and other electronic communication devices to harass and threaten others.”

Snapchat’s Law Enforcement Processes
00:13:40 Seek to this show note.
Snapchat’s Law Enforcement Processes

Also available is their PDF Law Enforcement Guide.

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The Function of an Ankle Monitor
00:37:05 Seek to this show note.
The Function of an Ankle Monitor

The device uses a radio frequency signal to communicate back to a monitoring station. It may be programmed to allow you to roam freely within a certain area, and it may have GPS monitoring functions that alert the monitoring station if you go outside of the permitted area.

If the device is tampered with or removed, authorities will be alerted and you will be arrested.
The people who have to wear them are those sentenced to “house arrest”. In Florida, the legal term for it is “Community Control”. The sanctions imposed may include any or all of the following:

– Having to pay back stolen or misappropriated money
– Having a curfew
– Revocation or suspension of the person’s driver’s license
– Community Service
– Deprivation of nonessential activities or privileges
– Any other restraints the Court may find appropriate

What it means to be a Fugitive
00:40:21 Seek to this show note.
What it means to be a Fugitive

“To be a fugitive from justice within the meaning of this clause, it is necessary that, in the regular course of judicial proceedings, one have been charged with a crime, but it is not necessary that one have left the state after having been charged. It is sufficient that, having been charged with a crime in one state, one is found in another state.”

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